Excited about the weekend

It’s a long weekend this weekend! Woo-hoo!!!

I bought my new boots yesterday & they look HOT! Woo-hoo!

This will be the first long weekend in lord knows how long where an argument will NOT be had between me & my mum over what I would like to do for the public holiday (versus what my mum would like me to want to do with my public holiday day off!). Woo-hoo!!!

This weekend is the weekend that I Mr A and I get our Wii and Wii Fit! Woo-hoo!!! I am very excited about this as I have been lusting after a Wii for the last few months… thankfully I didn’t even have to hint about wanting one as Mr A and I went to his friends house and they have one… we played tennis ‘against’ each other and it was so much fun! Since we’re actually a little lame and enjoy doing things together we are hanging to get one… so this weekend its set!

I get to hang out tonight with Denise after work tonight (Woo-hoo!!!)– normally on a Friday after work if I want to have a coffee with one of the girls I have to finish work early; get to café quickly, order coffee and chat with said ‘friend of choice’ whilst casually & inconspicuously watching watch to ensure that I am home by 6.30pm so as to not anger/upset/make cry/demonstrate un-love to my mum. Tonight I get to hang out, have a coffee and do the ‘good friend deed’ of taking Denise home rather than saying sorry that she still has to catch the bus because my mum will not be happy about me being home late! Before I forget – Woo-hoo!!!

I actually have nothing planned tomorrow night – Woo-hoo!!! I am beyond overjoyed that my Saturday night will be filled with nothing-ness! With the opportunity to do sweet ‘eff’ all! Woo-hoo!!!

And then I will get to (sort of) sleep in on the Sunday…. Woo-hoo!!! Then Susi and I are going to have Yum Cha/Dim Sum… oh my god – Woo-hoo!!!

And I will get to sleep in again on MONDAY!!!!!! Woo-hoo!!!

Seriously… I am beyond Woo-hoo!!!