washing ‘the straight’ out of my hair

I went to the hairdressers yesterday (I left work a little early so I would beat the hordes); I spoilt myself and totally enjoyed their massage chairs *bliss* and got my hair cut (just trimmed with some new layers put into it), colored (not as red as I thought it would be so I will need to do it again soon as I now have an image in mind of what I want – finally and will be steadily working towards that!) and blow-dried out so that I now have a side-swept fringe and slightly wavy on the bottom.

So I went to see Mr A after; his only stipulation about going to the hairdresser was to not get it cut; to trim by all means but not to cut the length out of my hair. I seriously do no understand why he gets all worried at the thought of me having short hair… its madness I tell you! its so funny because now that I have the courage and gusto to want to cut it off he’s telling me that he knows that I don’t want short hair for the wedding… damn him for knowing that that would stop me for going anywhere near my hair with scissors! As I was saying; I went to go see Mr A and he didn’t like it L

He liked the colour (thankfully) and he liked that I kept the length but he didn’t like how it was dried straight and NOT curly…poor guy wanted to know if I would be washing it out that night! I was like “I just paid $130 for this… I am not washing it out tonight…”

Apparently he dislikes my ‘straight’ hair so much that he is more than happy to give me $130 to wash it out tonight… bless him; I told him that if he dislikes it that much that I will wash it out tonight after work (and that I don’t want his money clearly the hair colorant has gone to my brain) – I’m not too sure if I really like it myself (the straightness of it) so am not particularly phased about washing it out… that and the fact of having to take a (hair) straightener to it every morning for the next few days fills me with dread (not to mention the fact that I will be walking in fear of rain ‘kinking’ my hair into a frizz-ball when I go to lunch); what can I say – I am not as high maintenance as you imagine!

Meanwhile if I did cut my hair I would want it to sort of look like this;

I like the way it looks curly!
I like the way it looks curly!
SO low maintenance!

SO low maintenance!

But I would not have a ringlet dangling from the middke like that – that would totally annoy me!

What do you think?